Become like Jesus

For churches, small groups, and anyone else who is intentionally doing life with others while encouraging their spiritual growth.

Our mission
Help and encourage you in your pursuit to make disciples.

We believe in the power of discipleship and the honoring of Jesus’ instructions to His followers. To do discipleship well, we model both how to be a disciple and how to make disciples by focusing on personal spiritual growth and engagement.

Tassel values

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We seek every effort to be united - we operate in humility, gentleness and
 love for one another. And in one mind,
 the mind of Jesus.
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The gospel changes lives. This truth inspires us to be disciplined in our relentless pursuit to help people share the gospel and become like Jesus.
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Jesus is committed to the Church. 
Which means we’re committed to the mission of the Church- making Him known everywhere.
application screen

Cultivate Meaningful Connections

With our activity-based experience, prompt disciples with tasks that foster the building of strong bonds and accountable relationships. Curate moments to welcome new members, cultivate deeper one-to-one relationships, and gather in person together.
Build Relationships
Meet, nurture friendships, and share life experiences. 
Gather Together
Grow your community and foster a deep sense of accountability and discipleship.
application screen

Nurture Spiritual Development

Dive into daily questions and discuss relevant topics that focus on living life as a disciple. Spark honest and helpful dialogue among disciples, and provide spiritual guidance through gospel-centered responses.
Converse Daily
Join daily conversations, and get to know each other.
Go Deeper
Discuss topics and questions that focus on living life as a disciple.
application screen

Enhance Leadership

Refine your approach to discipleship with support through in app check-ins and feedback requests to members. Use our specialized assessments to track spiritual and leadership development, ensuring growth goals are met within your circle. 
Get Dedicated Support
Focus on growing and nurturing your circle, we focus on helping you.
Track Growth
Discover your circle's spiritual growth and their readiness to lead and make disciples.

How to join Tassel as Church or Ministry


Sign up for Tassel

Our team will reach out to learn about the needs and challenges of your organization or ministry and determine how we can help.

Send Invitation

Once we determine how to help, invite your leaders to join Tassel.

Transform How You Do Discipleship

Through Tassel, your leaders will nurture their disicples' spiritual growth and foster engagement within their groups. They will also be encouraged every step of the way.

How to join Tassel
as Group Leader


Tell Us About Yourself

Are you already leading a small group, making disciples outside of the church, or just doing life with others? Our team will reach out to learn about your discipleship needs.

Sign Up and Send Invitation

Once we determine your needs, you can sign up and start sending invites to your disciples.

Transform How You Do Discipleship

Use Tassel to move beyond friendliness to building deep bonds through curated moments and conversations that point back to living life as disciples of Jesus.

We wish to make Jesus known everywhere.

Sign up

Frequently asked

What is a circle?
A circle is where you gather to intentionally do life with others, connect and  nurture spiritual development.
How do I create a circle?
Simply download the Tassel App and use the sign up code that you’ll receive from us.
How do I invite people to a circle?
You can invite people to join the circle by sharing a code via email or SMS text.
Why can’t I create or join multiple circles?
The Tassel App is where you connect and nurture spiritual development within a supportive community. By focusing your engagement on a single circle, you can fully immerse yourself in meaningful interactions and discussions, allowing for deeper connections and more profound spiritual growth.
How many people can belong to a circle?
We encourage between 8 to 12 people in a circle.